Oakley McCormack + Madelyn Roldan: Decisions | July 10 - October 4, 2022
Madelyn Roldan
The Riverside Arts Center is pleased to present the art of Oakley McCormack and Madelyn Roldan at the Riverside Town Hall Gallery. They are both local college art students and have been working at RAC as teaching and gallery assistants. Their paintings, drawings, and digital art ranges from whimsical to moody, colorful to dark, and realistic to fantastical. Please join us for a opening reception with the artists on Sunday, July 10th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM. The Riverside Town Hall is located a short block away from the Riverside Arts Center. Refreshments will be served in RAC’s sculpture garden.
Opening Reception: Sunday, July 10, 2022 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Exhibition Dates: July 10 - October 4, 2022
Riverside Town Hall: 27 Riverside Road, Riverside, Illinois
Viewing Hours: Mondays - Thursdays 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fridays 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Oakley McCormack is attending Illinois State University, majoring in graphic design. They were born and raised in Riverside, graduating from Riverside Brookfield High School in 2021. Oakley cites their influences as friends and family, as well as horror media and comic books, including Ava’s Demon. Their relationship with the Riverside Arts Center started as a young child attending classes, progressed as a teen volunteer, and currently as an assistant in our school and galleries.
Madelyn Roldan is an art major at Triton College. Born in Winfield, she currently resides in Brookfield, Illinois where she graduated from Riverside Brookfield High School in 2021. She is influenced by artists such as the surrealist painter Maruja Mallo , the visionary abstract artist Hilma af Klint, and contemporary artists Juliana Horner, Kathleen Ryan, and Oda Iselin. Madelyn’s first art exhibition was with RAC in the RBHS AP Art 2017 exhibition. After volunteering, she is now RAC’s gallery assistant.
The Village Town Hall is located half a block from the Riverside Arts Center at 27 Riverside Road in Riverside, Illinois. It is open to walk-in visitors Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Closed Saturday, Sunday, and major holidays.
Oakley McCormack