Bob Faust: Betweens
November 21, 2015 — January 16, 2016
Reception: Saturday, December 5, 2015, 3— 6pm
Left: Innocence/Experience, 2015. insulation sheathing, muslin and rubber. 30″ x 48″ x 2”
Right: OK, 2015. Cedar. 78″ x 78″ x 32”
The Riverside Arts Center is pleased to present the solo exhibition Betweens, featuring new work by Bob Faust.
In this moment, we each stand at the polar extreme of our own innocence. Between these two points lie our struggles and strengths — our fragility, fears and faith. In this exhibition Faust explores this calcified accumulation of “betweens” that keep us standing upright — through a conceptual lens somewhere between art and design.
About the Artist
By exploiting his experience as a typographer through materiality, Bob Faust creates visual, visceral and contextual art experiences across myriad mediums and media. He is the principal and creative director for Faust, a cultural branding and communications studio as well as the studio/special projects director for artist Nick Cave where he collaborates on both exhibition design and performance works. Faust has been recognized nationally and internationally for his creativity and clarity through many prestigious collections, exhibitions and publications such as the Society of Typographic Arts Archive, Expo Chicago, DSGN CHGO, Communication Arts, Print and and the London Creative Competition.