A Certain Slant of Light
January 15 – February 25, 2017
Opening Reception: Sunday, January 15, 3 – 6pm
Guest Curated by Bill Conger and Shona Macdonald
“There’s a certain slant of light On winter afternoons,
That oppresses like the weight Of cathedral tunes”
– Emily Dickinson
The work of this group of artists hopes to encapsulate the lyricism, fragility, and foreboding inherent in Dickinson’s poem. Memory too, captured in Dickinson’s vivid imagery, is present in much of this work: particularly the way memories unearth and dislodge, becoming different with age. Also, stillness and boredom where the imagination runs free, on days such as dreary, rain-soaked Sunday afternoons, as evoked in Dickinson’s poem.
The poem’s undercurrent of affliction illuminates something within the narrator herself. A supernatural heft within the four slight passages swells as the arbitrary and enigmatic slant of light transforms into a malevolent force of nature. The artists represented here amplify common visages and familiar objects while expounding on the implications. These artists similarly excavate content from the slightest stimuli either pictorially or through gesture. Their works yield psychically charged moments, which reference Dickinson’s unequalled ability to exact underlying drama from arrested observation. — Shona Macdonald, Guest Curator
Artists in the Exhibition: Bill Conger, Natalie Jacobson, Shona Macdonald, Melissa Randall, Dawn Roe, Pete Schulte, Buzz Spector, and Dustin Young.
Installation view
Bill Conger, “Chrysalism and Coastal Beaching,” 2016. Found brass, 7 x 108 inches.
Natalie Jacobson. “Self Reproducing Triangle.” 2014. Acrylic on canvas. 14″ x 16″.
Buzz Spector, “Ghostwriters #1,” 2016 . Collaged dust jacket elements 12-1/4 x 12-1/4 inches, framed
Buzz Spector, “Ghostwriters #2, 2016. Collaged dust jacket elements 12-1/4 x 12-1/4 inches, framed
Installation view
Pete Shulte, “French Film Blurred pt. 6,” 2015. Graphite, pigment on paper, 8 X 8 inches.
Dustin Young, “Fragment II,” 2013. Ink on paper. 20 x 24 inches.
Installation view
Dawn Roe. “No One Was With Her When She Died (Glitter and Tape),” 2013. 24 in (h) x 63 in (w), Pigment Print.
Installation view
Shona Macdonald. “Ghost #4,” 2016. Silverpoint on paper. 22 x 30 inches.
Installation view
Melissa Randall, Untitled (Jentel Series), 2013. Ink on paper, 5.5 x 7.5 inches.